Arcane School | Definition, Founder, March, Beliefs and More.

Arcane School Definition

The Arcane School, an occult organization founded by Theosophist Alice A. Bailey and her husband, Foster Bailey, was designed to bring in the New Age by the Great White Brotherhood, the spiritual hierarchy of masters who are believed to guide human destiny. As a young woman.

Arcane School Founder:

Bailey affiliated with the Theosophical Society moved into the Krotona community in Hollywood, California, and became editor of The Messenger, the society’s journal. She also began to channel material from Djwhal Khul, one of the masters of the theosophical spiritual hierarchy, generally called “The Tibetan.” Her channeling activity proved unacceptable to society, and in 1920 she and her husband departed.

They moved to New York where Alice completed the channeling of two books and wrote one herself. They formed the Lucis Trust as a publishing concern and began a magazine, the Beacon. The Arcane School was founded in 1923 as an organization for students who responded to books.

Over the next years, Bailey dictated a series of books that laid out a program for bringing in the New Age.

Among the several programs nurtured by the school was the New Group of World Servers, founded in 1932.

The reason for the name Arcane:

Alice Bailey explained in her biography that she called the training institution “Arcane School” because one day she had received papers from Mr. Richard Prater, a pupil of H. P. Blavatsky which contained instructions for an esoteric section expressing the desire to call that section Arcane School.

Arcane School Beliefs:

The New Group of World Servers sought to unite people of goodwill as harbingers of a coming civilization. Five years later the school launched the Triangles program to bring together groups of three people to work together in spiritual service. The primary task of a triangle is to channel spiritual energy from the hierarchy to the world. To assist the triangles, she released what is possibly her most famous piece of writing, a prayer called “The Great Invocation.”

Bailey also began to announce the coming of the New Age and the accompanying appearance of Christ. This coming of the New Age Savior was also encouraged by repeating “The Great Invocation.”

Bailey taught that certain moments of the year are especially fruitful times for spiritual work because an abundance of spiritual energy is available. Such a time is the monthly period of the full moon when members of the school gather on the evening of the full moon to meditate and transmit energy.

On three full moon dates, the great festivals Easter, Wesak, and Goodwill take place. The celebration of Easter does not follow either of the Christian calendars but is celebrated on the full moon in April as the time of the most active forces for the restoration of Christ. In May, Wesak is the time when the Buddha’s forces are available. In June, at the full moon, the forces of reconstruction are active.

The Arcane School trains people in meditation and service to develop their spiritual potential. The purpose of such training is to help students understand and accept discipleship responsibility and to recognize the part that they can play in the evolution of consciousness by serving humanity.

The School assists spiritual aspirants to move forward on the path of discipleship and assists those who are already on the path to move on more quickly to achieve greater effectiveness in service.

Disciples are those who, above all else, are pledged to do three things:

  • To serve humanity.
  • To co-operate with the Plan, as they see it and as best they can.
  • To develop the powers of the soul, expand their consciousness to that of the higher self, and meet the needs of that higher self through service.

Discipleship is a word in constant use among spiritual aspirants of the world, both in the East and the West.  It is the stage of evolution in which men and women knowingly pledge themselves to consciously and joyfully fulfill the requirements of the soul which operates under the Law of Love and knows no separation.  To achieve this they choose to submit themselves to a sequential course of meditation and study which produces a rapid unfoldment of the power and the life of the soul.

Arcane School March:

Foster succeeded his wife as head of the school following her death in 1949. Their daughter Mary Bailey succeeded in the leadership after Foster’s death in 1977. The school publishes several periodicals, including the Beacon and the World Goodwill Newsletter. International headquarters are close to the United Nations building at 113 University Pl., 11th Fl., Box 722, Cooper Sta., New York, New York 10276.

There are also European offices in London and Geneva. Several groups such as the Arcana Workshops, Meditation Groups, Inc., and the School for Esoteric Studies carry on programs similar to the Arcane School, though they are organizationally separate from it.


World Religions

Sources: 1, 2. 3

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Mercy Cuthbert: Mom, Wife, Author, Bachelor of Arts Comparative Religion.

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