Author: Mercy Cuthbert

Mom, Wife, Author, Bachelor of Arts Comparative Religion.

ISIS | Islamic State Founded, Ideology, and Islam’s View Of ISIS

Islamic State ISIS Islamic State ” SIS”  (official name since June 2014; abbreviated IS), at times known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL; /ˈaɪsəl, ˈaɪsɪl/), and as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS; /ˈaɪsɪs/), or by its Arabic acronym, Daesh (داعش, Dāʿish), is a militant Sunni Islamist group and formerly […]

Encratites | Definition, Founder, History and Beliefs

Encratites Definition The Encratites were an ascetic 2nd-century sect of Christians who forbade marriage and counseled abstinence from meat. Eusebius says that Tatian was the author of this heresy. It has been supposed that it was these Gnostic Encratites who were chastised in the epistle of 1 Timothy. Encratites Founder: Encratite, member of an ascetic […]

Docetism | Definition, Beliefs and Christ Myth Theory

What is the Docetism Definition In the history of Christianity, Docetism definition or meaning (from the Koinē Greek: dokein, δοκεῖν/δόκησις dokeĩn “to seem”, dókēsis “apparition, phantom”) is the heterodox doctrine that the phenomenon of Jesus, his historical and bodily existence, and above all the human form of Jesus, was mere semblance without any true reality. […]

Yazidi Religion | Meaning, History, Beliefs, Books and More

Who is the Yazidi religion? Yazidi Religion or Yazīdī, a Middle Eastern religion, is a syncretic combination of Zoroastrian, Manichaean, Jewish, Nestorian Christian, and Islamic elements. Its adherents, numbering fewer than 100,000, are found in Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Armenia, the Caucasus, and Iran. Most speak Kurdish. They believe that they were created separately from the […]

Manichaeism Definition | Founder, Ancient Movement, Beliefs &More

What is the Manichaeism Meaning And Definition? Manichaeism Definition is a believer in a syncretistic religious dualism and Manichaeism (/ˌmænɪˈkiːɪzəm/; in New Persian آیینِ مانی Āyīn-e Mānī; Chinese: 摩尼教; pinyin: Móníjiào) was a major religion founded in the 3rd century AD by the Parthian prophet Mani (c. 216–274 AD), in the Sasanian Empire. Manichaeism taught an […]

Towards smarter atheism | Read And Give us your Opinion

Towards Smarter Atheism Towards Smarter Atheism: An article by a Muslim writer expressing his view of atheism. Dik al-Jinn wrote: Amidst millions of assumptions that people argue about their validity day and night, two facts emerge as clear as the sun, and no human, not even an animal, can deny them, namely birth and death, […]

Mandaeism Beliefs | Principle, Tenets, Prophets, Rituals &More

What are core Mandaeism Beliefs? Today we will talk about Mandaeism Beliefs After we had learned that the religion of the Mandaeans (from manda, “knowledge”) is a self-contained, unique system belonging to the general stratum of the Gnosticism of late antiquity. Thus Mandaeism shows affinities with Judaism and Christianity. For geographical reasons, it also exhibits […]

Mandaeism Religion | Books, Founder, Beliefs &More.

All About Mandaeism Religion Mandaeism Religion from Mandaean mandayya, “knowing”, ancient Middle Eastern religion still surviving in Iraq and Khuzistan (southwest Iran). The religion is usually treated as a Gnostic sect; it resembles Manichaeism in some respects. Whereas most scholars date the beginnings of Mandaeanism somewhere in the first three centuries AD, the matter of […]

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