Faith Cometh By Hearing | How to Increase Your Faith

How Does Faith Cometh By Hearing

What does Faith Cometh By Hearing mean, and how does it apply to your life. When you keep hearing and hearing the Word, you are sowing the spiritual seed that God is bigger than all your problems. You receive the Truth of the Lord! Your receiving does not change. You don’t change your mind. You keep hearing and hearing the Word help your faith grow. Many times you need a fresh flow of reading God’s Word.

How To Help Your Faith Grow:

God has an exciting plan for your life, but it involves faith. You must be patient many times and keep seeking His will and Word for your life. Keep your focus and attention on the Word of God. When start feeling all alone. Fill up by hearing and hearing His Word.

The new life is about thoughts of faith. God knows how to turn your disappointments around. You can’t lay around feeling sorry for yourself in your problems. Today can be a new change. How? You start hearing and hearing the Word of God! Now, raise your hands and say, praise the Lord His Word is for me! Hallelujah!

You see, faith is the end result of the process; the Word is the beginning. God’s Word, if handled correctly, will produce hearing in us. Our spiritual ears will be opened, or tuned to hear His voice, as we expose them to the Word. So the Word of God produces an acute sense of spiritual hearing, and the hearing produces faith in us. It’s a two-step process, one that “Faith comes by the Word” doesn’t do justice to.

Listen You Will Hear God’s Voice All Around You:

I believe that everybody that seeks the hear God’s voice will find that God is speaking all around you. I know that this sounds different from anything ever written but this is the truth you just have to listen to everywhere around you and your prayers will be answered. I know God’s voice will reach out to all his children’s life when they just listen to hear his word you will find your answers to all questions that you ask. I believe that to hear God’s voice you just have to listen to life going on all around you. I think to hear God’s voice people have to really listen to hear. I believe God’s voice is for everybody to hear Just listen to a child crying of hunger because they have no food to eat. You can hear God’s cries of pain watching one of his children going hungry. You can really hear God’s voice give that child food then all you pray for God will hear. Where ever you hear the pain of God’s children you will hear the voice of God. I believe that once people stopped hearing the pain of people all around people stop hearing the voice of God.

I believe that any time you hear the pain of someone around you there you will hear the voice of God. To hear the voice of God take the time to listen to all those people who suffer around the world you will hear the voice of God in every tear that one person sheds. Hearing the voice of God just ask yourself what can I do to lighten the burden of just one of God’s children. Whatever country you are in all people can hear the voice of God take the time to listen to all the sickness in countries that have children and people that have no food or medicine that they need you can hear God’s voice.

I believe that God’s voice was always there for people to hear we simply just stopped listening to hear. I believe that to once again hear the voice of God people need to reach out to all those who are in pain because they lack the basic necessities of life just to stay alive you will hear the cries of God. I believe that people all around our world should hear the voice of God. Anywhere you see the useless loss of life you will hear God’s voice. I believe that no person that kills in the name of God’s religion really hears the voice of God. Listen and watch all the death and suffering you see and hear about lets you know that to hear God’s voice all senseless killing and suffering of people must stop. Really take the time to just listen and you will hear God’s voice in every walk of life.

God’s voice is there for all those who hear the pleas of his children that are suffering everywhere around our world. I believe that it is time to hear God’s voice and stop the pain and suffering of all God’s children. People can hear God’s voice every time some person helps another person in need you will hear God’s voice when that person says thank you. Any time people go out of their way to help one of God’s people you will hear God’s voice. I believe that every time some person gives up his life to save another persons live they hear the voice of God. Hearing God’s voice means taking the time to improve the life of just one person around you. I believe that people hear God’s voice every time parents are given a child. This is God’s reward for listening to him.

I believe that people hear God’s voice every time something good is done to help the quality of life for one of God’s people that are all around you. I believe that people hear God’s voice every single time somebody thanks you for helping them. I know every time a person takes less so other of God’s people can have they hear God’s voice. I believe that people hear God’s voice when they simply take the time to make another person smile. I believe that any time that a person lays down a weapon of war they finally hear the voice of God.

I believe that you hear God’s voice whenever you are sick and you hear that voice telling you everything will be all right. I believe that you hear God’s voice every time you hear someone laugh. I believe that every single time people help at times of disasters these people all hear God’s voice.

I believe that all people who want to hear God’s voice will. People who do not want to hear God’s voice will not. God’s voice is everywhere some good deed is done. I believe that people hear God’s voice every time a person helps another.

I believe that God’s voice is for everyone to hear people just have to listen when ever they need the word of god the answer will come. I believe that every time people value the life of another they hear God’s voice. Just stop and think for a minute when you do something to help another person you thought you never would this is when you will realize that you heard God’s voice.

I believe that people stop hearing God’s voice when they stopped listening to their heart for the answer to all of life`s questions. God gave us all a heart and a soul these are the places you will hear the word of God when you really need him. I pray that all people will reach out and listen to the voice of God.

Faith Cometh By Hearing In The Bible:

Romans 10:17 – So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Interestingly enough, faith begins with what you hear not what you see. So many people I talk to say, “I won’t believe it until I see it.” But then it wouldn’t be faith. It would be a fact. Faith is the hope, in its strongest sense, of something that is yet to come, something you are relying upon to happen, but has not yet.

Romans 8:24 – For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seethe, why doth he yet hope for?

Besides, words are more powerful and impactful than what someone does. The words people say have done us more emotional damage than what a person did to us.

In fact. we are more defined by the words we say than the actions we do. We look at a person’s action to verify their words; we never look at a person’s words to verify an action. We hold words against a person more than we hold action against them. Obviously, we can do both. But good word choice can redefine and shift an action into a different perspective.

How many times has the explanation of action changed the scope and impact of the action for us? I dare say, frequently. With a 30 minute conversation, I’ve been able to shift the perspectives on God by many atheistic teenagers. With a 30 minute conversation, I can shift a husband’s entire attitude towards his wife’s actions. Words are powerful. They change our conscious thoughts, our perspectives, and our understanding.

So, read your Bible. Listen to preaching. Go to Church more.

People with great faith also spend time listening to God’s Word. The more you listen about God’s power, His might, His grace, His mercy, and His love, the more hope you have in what will, but has yet to, happen. It will bring confidence that God will come through, that He will intercede in some way, that He will keep His promises.

Faith Cometh By Hearing Organization

Faith Cometh By Hearing is an international non-profit organization that records and provides the Bible in the languages of the world. It provides audio Bibles, primarily the New Testament, in over 1300 languages. The organization is a member of the Forum of Bible Agencies International and the Wycliffe Global Alliance. The Chairman of the Board for the organization is Murray J. Crawford, and its president is founder Gerald (Jerry) Jackson.


World Religions

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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Mercy Cuthbert: Mom, Wife, Author, Bachelor of Arts Comparative Religion.

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