Jainism religion | History, Beliefs, Practices, & More..

Jainism religion History, Facts, Beliefs, Practices & More

Jainism, traditionally known as Jain Dharma, is an ancient Indian religion. Followers of Jainism religion are called “Jains”, a word derived from the Prakrit word Jina, meaning “victor”.

founded in India in the 6th century BC by the Jina Vardhamana Mahavira as a reaction against the teachings of orthodox Brahmanism, and still practiced there. The Jain religion teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives, and noninjury to living creatures, and is noted for its ascetics.

Jainism religion history:

Despite its obscure origin, Jainism is the oldest religion in the world, or truly it is not a religion but more like a way of life.
It is founded in ancient India. Jains trace their history through twenty-four Tirthankara and revere Rishabhanatha as the first Tirthankara (in the present time cycle).

Jainism is somewhat similar to Buddhism, which was an important rival in India. It was founded by Vardhamana Jnatiputra or Nataputta Mahavira (599-527 BC), in the Ganges basin of eastern India, called Jina (Spiritual Conqueror), a contemporary of Buddha.


Jainism religion beliefs:

Jainism is a religion of self-help. There are no gods or spiritual beings that will help human beings. The three guiding principles of Jainism, the ‘three jewels’, are the right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct. The supreme principle of Jain living is non-violence (ahimsa).

Both Arihant’s and Siddhas are considered Gods of the Jain religion. Arihats are perfect human beings and preach the Jain religion to the people during their remaining life. After death they become Siddhas. All Siddhas have perfected souls, living forever in a blissful state in Moksha.


Jainism practices:

Two practices that help Jains purify themselves of karma are ahimsa, a path of strict non-violence, and asceticism, self-denial, and discipline. The non-violence of ahimsa dictates everything in Jain’s interaction with the world, including a very strict vegan diet.

The Jain cuisine is completely vegetarian and also excludes underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, onion, etc, to prevent injuring of small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant from getting uprooted and killed. It is practiced by Jain ascetics and lay Jains.


Jainism religion facts:

Interesting Jainism Facts: In Jainism, all life has a soul, from bacteria to plants, to animals, and humans. Because they all have souls they all can reach nirvana. Jains do not worship a god or saint, and instead, work to attain nirvana as they believe other liberated souls have attained.


Jainism symbol:

The hand with a wheel on the palm symbolizes Ahimsa in Jainism. The word in the middle is “ahiṃsā” (non-injury). The wheel represents the dharmachakra, which stands for the resolve to halt the saṃsāra through the relentless pursuit of Ahimsa.



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Mercy Cuthbert: Mom, Wife, Author, Bachelor of Arts Comparative Religion.

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